I’ve so enjoyed watching the Classroom 2.0 Live and Future of Education events. Being in India it is difficult to participate live but it has now become a Sunday morning ritual to download the latest session and watch it with my morning coffee. If you are like me and can’t make the live events you can still watch the entire Elluminate sessions. I like to download the Recording (full) so that I can follow along with the chat also. It is almost as good as being there! It’s nice that you can pause and take notes, check out websites, or um start to write a blog post about it!
Classroom 2.0 Live events are archived and available at http://live.classroom20.com/archive.html.
Future of Education Interview Series are all archived and available from the Future of Education Ning. You can use the search to find past sessions. Also, once you join the Ning you will receive emails about events and you can use those links to find the archive.
Ted Talks is another of my favorite sites for a Sunday morning the talks are on a variety of issues and are fascinating! Ted Talks: Ideas Worth Spreading
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Image: 'Elementary love'
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