Free Rice is a site that will donate 20 grains of rice through the United Nations to help end world hunger for every Vocabulary word you get right! Please play and help!
Musings on Instructional Technology and Education by Instructional Technology professionals.
The World of Penguins http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/penguins/
WebCams of Penguins http://www.penguin.net.nz/viewing/webcams.html
March of the Penguins National Geographic http://www.nationalgeographic.com/marchofthepenguins/index.html
Kidzone Penguins http://www.kidzone.ws/animals/penguins/index.htm
SeaWorld Penguins http://www.seaworld.org/infobooks/Penguins/home.html
National Geographic Kids Critters – there are a couple penguins on here!http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/Animals/CreatureFeature/Adelie-penguin
Fun and Facts about Penguins http://www.siec.k12.in.us/~west/proj/penguins/main.html
Penguin Theme http://www.cdli.ca/CITE/penguins.htm
New Zealand Penguins http://www.penguin.net.nz/
Click here to view voting instructions that you can print.
Please tell all of your friends to vote! Congratulations to Mrs. Bumgarner and her students!
While more and more schools districts are banning iPods, some are requiring them. According to a New York Times article the Union City school district in New Jersey will be giving out 300 iPods next month. The iPods will be given students with limited English ability to help them sharpen their vocabulary and grammar. A NJ school board member calls it “innovation”. That maybe a stretch. I think teachers have to innovate everyday just to make content relevant to them. Having the support to try something new helps too.
Using an iPod in the classroom is a matchmade in heaven. Students and adults, including me, are very passionate about there iPods. Why not use them in the classroom. If you haven’t check out what an iPod can do, you should, there are tons of educational options. First, they play mp3 files. Mp3’s can be music, but it can also be poetry, audiobooks, or historical speeches. The new iPods can also show video. You could record your own lesson or download United Streaming videos. They will display pictures. Save your PowerPoint as pictures and you can put on your iPod. There is also a Notes feature, which displays text. It displays it similar to a webpage, so you can actually have links to the audio, video, and pictures you just put on your iPod. What do you think?
We have Moodle now in our district and it was amazing to see the student response to it yesterday. Moodle is essentially an online site that allows students and teachers to collaborate and communicate in a protected environment. Yesterday, students in the Battle of the Books Team at one of our Middle Schools were the first students to use Moodle in our county! They logged in to Moodle, navigated to their teacher's site, and clicked on Knights of the Round Table Forum. Students were then presented with a forum topic of "Introduce Yourselves". After reading a blurb written by their teacher about herself - students were asked to answer 4 questions to introduce themselves:
What is your family like?
What are some of your hobbies?
What is your favorite book?
What are your future goals?
Students were immediately engaged. They were in their environment. They communicate this way naturally. They had answered the introduction question quickly and were teaching themselves Moodle and how it worked. They were helping each other. It was amazing.
This is ridiculously cool and easy. Animoto (www.animoto.com) is a website where you can upload photos and it will spit back a slide show. The results are awesome. Above is a quick video I made about the drought in North Carolina. I grabbed the pictures from Google image search. This is a great way to grab students attention to start a lesson or even a writing prompt. They offer 30 second videos for free. A full length video is $3 each or $30 for unlimited videos for the year.
How true, how true. Getting to know the students, their interests, their strengths, their needs- this is a difficult task at best. And as a leader, the same is true with getting to know the educators you lead. I think this comes down to the question, "What is your vision?" Am I here to teach and learn? If so, this requires me to learn about my students in such a way that all my decisions revolve around what I know about them.It is remarkably easy to teach and lead poorly.
The technology did not make the educator fundamentally different. It amplifies good teaching just as it amplifies bad teaching.
Become a reflective practitioner.
Our students deserve better. Our future requires better.
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Special Instructions for Residents of Connecticut and Rhode Island. Please read additional terms and conditions.
Classroom 2.0 is just getting going - please join and add to the discussion!
Classroom 2.0 " Welcome to the CLASSROOM 2.0 social networking site! This network is devoted to those interested in the practical application of Web 2.0 and collaborative technologies in the classroom and in their own professional development. Especially we hope that those who feel they are "beginners" will find this a comfortable place to start being a part of the community dialog and to learn more."
I ran across this site this weekend. It outlines the top 50 occupations for the next ten years. You can sort the list by projected need, growth, salary, and amount of education.
5. Computer Software Engineers, Applications
6. Computer Software Engineers, System Software
7. Computer Systems Analysts
10. Computer and Information System Manager.
Projected growth really got my attention. Seven of the top 10 were computer related.
1. Network System and Data Communication Analysts
2. Computer Software Engineers, Applications
3. Computer Software Engineers, System Software
5. Network and Computer System Administrators
6. Database Administrators
8. Computer System Analysts
10. Computer and Information Systems Managers.
The other three were all in the medical field, Dental Hygienists, PTs, and RNs.
What does all this mean? Considering Professional Athlete did not make the top 50, maybe our schools technology budget should be greater than the athletics budget.
"You can paint with oils, sketch with pencils, sprinkle glitter, and more. You can paint with gold leaf, silver foil, and other metallic colors. You can even load in your photos as Tracing Images to help you recreate them as paintings."Check out Art Rage 2 here!