Saturday, October 13, 2007

Food For Thought (at least for me)


Aaron said...

I saw that post and was thinking about blogging about it. I think it is a wonderful idea. The big push this year is time on task and teaching to the bell. I happen to believe sometimes less is more. We need to ease up. School should be something students want to come to.

Unfortunately, we are treating teachers wrong. With Friday night and Saturday workshops, it seems we are adding that 20% onto the 100% percent they already do.

Donna said...

I agree...
Someone said to me the other day, "We're training teachers to be robots, and in the process are creating robots of our students." That seems to be a huge trend right now... do THIS, do it THIS way...

I try to imagine what could really happen with 20% of individual creativity time. I'm certain we would all be amazed with the results.