Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Google buys Jotspot
Monday, October 30, 2006
Back to School with the Class of Web 2.0

While I was doing some reading over the weekend I ran into this blog. This is the most comprehensive list of web 2.0 tools for education I have seen. It is actually a three part series. Part one focuses on organizing, grade books, resume building, and research. The focus is not just teachers, student web 2.0 strategies are also mentioned.
Part two looks at online office applications including word processing, presentations, diagrams, spreadsheets, and calendars.
The third and final part focuses on "real world" educational scenarios in blogging, photo/video sharing, podcasting, and wiki's.
Be sure to check out the comments too; lots of good links in there.
Image from http://www.francispisani.net/
web2.0 education k12
Friday, October 27, 2006
Science Podcasts - Gotta Minute

So you want to use podcasts to help your students learn science. But don't have time to listen through all the podcasts to see if they are worth while? Check out Scientific American Magazine. They offer a daily podcast called 60-Second Science. These are quick reports and commentary from the world of science. It only takes a minute!
These would be great for warm ups/bellringers or as a catalyst to journal writing. They are high interest as well, at least IMHO. The most recent (10/27) 60-Second Science podcast discusses vampires of New England.
You can listen to these podcast from their homepage or subscribe to them in iTunes (iTS link). Also published is a weekly Science Talk podcast (iTS link), where scientists and journalist discuss the latest developments is science and technology The homepage also features a blog, videos, and a place at ask a scientist a question.
science podcasts education k12
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Scary Stories
Google's Book Search has made a collection of some of the greatest classic scary stories. You can find them at www.google.com/scarystories. The Legend of Sleepy Hallow, Dracula, and Frankenstein are just a few of the stories you will find. Because this is Google, you can search every word in each story. Plus, some of these books are in the public domain; look for the download button to save and print.
Persuasion Map
Monday, October 16, 2006
Principal Blogging Project
Original post here.
Technorati Tags: principal blogging
David Warlick's Keynote is Online Now!
Technorati Tags: k12online06 k12online
Links from Newsletter Oct. 13th
http://www.google.com/educators/index.html This is a wonderful resource! There are teacher guides to 12 Google products, examples of how educators are using them, and lesson ideas. You can also subscribe to the Google Teachers’ Newsletter on this page.
Web 2.0 Applications
Back to school with the class of Web 2.0 Part 1 Compilation of Web 2.0 applications. Red arrows indicate ones particularly suited for education.
Resume Tool
http://www.emurse.com/ Create resumes online or upload an existing one. Provides distributing tools and will keep track of who has seen it. You can also make your resume password protected or choose not to show personal information.
Color Palette Generator Tool
http://www.degraeve.com/color-palette/ Enter the url of an image and get the color palette (the 6 digit number beside the color is the Hex Value – this can be entered in Frontpage when you go to More Colors – you will see the top field asks for a hex value – type in the 6 digits and you will have that color!).
Just for Fun
Friday, October 06, 2006
Links from Newsletter Oct. 6th
Learn something
http://www.internet4classrooms.com/on-line.htm Technology tutorials.
Up and Coming
http://k12onlineconference.org/ Online free conference Oct. 23-27 and Oct. 30-Nov. 3
Subject Areas
http://arcademic.altec.org/ Online games for basic math, language arts, vocabulary and thinking skills.
http://medtropolis.com/VBody.asp Virtual Body (English and Spanish versions).
http://www.goodcharacter.com/ Lots of information on character education.
http://www.lifehacker.com/ “Lifehacker recommends the software downloads and web sites that actually save time.”
http://www.parenthacks.com/ "a collaborative weblog of practical parenting wisdom”.
Just for Fun